5th Anniversary Award

No One Does What We Do
– and We Can Prove That it Works!

Elevate Jacksonville is committed to creating a brighter future for the youth in Duval County!

Elevate Jacksonville is an education and mentoring program that empowers urban youth to reach their full potential. We independently employ Teachers Mentors inside Duval County Public Schools who teach accredited classes on 13 essential character traits and life skills every school day and offer mentorship to support their journey further.

This nationwide program began in 1982 in Colorado to introduce urban students to positive and caring adults who can ensure they don’t have to navigate life’s toughest challenges alone. 

Since 2019, Elevate Jacksonville has used the same model that has been successful across the U.S. to help change the outcomes for students in our city. No one does what we do- – and we can prove that it works

Learn About our Four Program Areas

Your Donations Transform Lives

Fueling Dreams and Adventures:
Donate to Elevate Jacksonville's Teen Summer Adventure Camp

  Imagine a summer of fun that every hard-working student dreams of all school year, and thanks to your support; many will experience! With your gift, we will provide Elevate Jacksonville students with more exciting adventures that we do not provide during the school year. Our Summer Adventure program will include amusement parks, college visits, bowling, skating, community volunteering, canoeing, biking, art education, movies, group sports, beach days, and so much more! These outings and enrichments also give our students additional opportunity for mentoring, internships, and career exploration with local businesses and leaders. 2024 will be the summer worth waiting for!

The Value of Your Partnership
Where Does My Money Go?

  Our generous and dedicated Board of Directors covers our general operating expenses for Elevate Jacksonville. Therefore, all funding raised goes directly to running student programming. This includes Teacher Mentor salaries, adventure, transportation, and supplies. When deciding how much to give to Elevate Jacksonville, knowing the cost of doing business can be helpful. These estimated costs can help you decide how to prepare your annual giving to Elevate Jacksonville.

Join our Mission!
Partner of Change for a Better Jacksonville!

  Grow your corporate social responsibility and diversity profile. Your organization will be shared as an important benefactor with our rapidly growing social media communities, on our website, with printed signage at community events and fundraisers, and passenger vans. Partners and sponsors have a unique opportunity to show support in the classroom by giving meaningful career-focused lessons and discussions.

As a registered 501(c)3, donations are 100% tax deductible.

No One Gets There Alone

Elevate Jacksonville is there for youth when they need us the most. We believe that no one deserves to be alone in the journey to success. 


More About Elevate Jacksonville From Others

Male student sitting in class with laptop